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Savya Khosla


I am an incoming Ph.D. student in the department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, advised by Professor Derek Hoiem and Professor Alex Schwing. My research focuses on enabling machines to learn from multiple data modalities, aiming to provide them with a comprehensive human-like understanding of the world. In this effort, I have closely collaborate with researchers from the Allen Institute for AI and Adobe Research.

Previously, I have worked with Professor Yoshua Bengio and Alex Lamb at Mila - Quebec AI Institute, where I studied neural active learning under heteroskedasticity. Additionally, I worked as a software engineer at Google, focusing on enhancing Google Search's web ranking infrastructure using deep learning. I also interned with Partha Talukdar's research group at Google Research, where I explored multilingual representations for Indian languages.

I hold a Bachelor's in Computer Engineering from Delhi Technological University, where I was advised by Professor Anil Singh Parihar.